Service: Masterplanning
Sector: Mixed Use
Client: Sheffield Health & Social Care NHS Foundation Trust
Size: 132 apartments, 29 houses
Self developed a residential masterplan for an outline planning application for this significant site to the west of Sheffield. This proposal is to regenerate an important Brownfield site by providing a quality residential development of 132 no. apartments and 29 no. houses. The site slopes gently away from Woofindin Road to the south and east with a 25 metre level difference, which the 3 distinct zones of housing address. The scheme is sensitive to the Fulwood Conservation Area and the Green Belt which it sits partially within.
Design Code
Self Architects prepared a detailed design code to facilitate the delivery of a high-quality development, it covered development densities, built form, massing, relationship to open countryside, views, space standards, public realm, materiality and parking.