Service: Architecture
Sectors: Retail, Heritage
Client: Rotherham Council & Retailers
Self Architects developed a renovation strategy for Rotherham High Street under the Townscape Initiative. We were then appointed by individual shop owners on High Street to renovate and refurbish their buildings as part of the initiative. The projects were part-funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. The scheme included new period style shop fronts, restoring lost architectural details and conservation of the fabric of the buildings.
The final project was the restoration of the former Three Cranes Inn, an oak framed building is Grade II* Listed, which is the oldest surviving secular building in Rotherham. It was originally a medieval hall built in the 15th century and contains one of the country’s few remaining dais canopies. We have worked carefully with conservation officers, English Heritage, the client, the main contractor and with numerous specialists in various fields of conservation to restore the remaining half of the building to its current state. The building is now open to the public with a retail space on the ground floor and the upper floors dedicated to a museum and information centre on the history of the building.